Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hellenion's October 2013 Festival calendar, from
Boedromion - Pyanepsion
Year 1 of the 698th Olympiad

4 Sacrifices to Nymphs, Akheloös, others
5 Hekate's Deipnon
6 Noumenia
7 Agathos Daimon
11 Proerosia
12 Pyanepsia; Libation to Poseidon
13 Theseia
14 Stenia; Thanksgiving (Canada)
16 Thesmophoria
17 Thesmophoria
18 Thesmophoria; full moon
19 The Heroines

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Since it's that time of year, wanted to share a link to a free online publication that's filled with articles about Eleusis.