Monday, July 27, 2015

Hellenion's August 2015 Festival calendar

Hellenion's August 2015 Festival calendar,

Hekatombaion - Metageitnion
Year 3 of the 698th Olympiad

1 Synoikia
3 Civic Holiday in Canada
8 Libation to Hermes; Panathenaia ta megala
9 Panathenaia ta megala
10 Panathenaia ta megala
11 Panathenaia ta megala
12 Panathenaia ta megala
13 Panathenaia ta megala
14 Panathenaia ta megala; Dark of the moon
15 Panathenaia ta megala; Hekate’s Deipnon
16 Noumenia
17 Agathos Daimon; Herakleia?
29 Full moon; start of Hellenion's AGM
31 Kourotrophos, Hekate and Artemis

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Little goodie for sale...

Still picking out little goodies from my collection to sell. This time it's an auction. $4.99 starting bid with no reserve. Cute vintage demitasse cup & saucer. Made in Greece. Nice for small shrine space, or for your morning coffee ;)
Here's the link: