Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hellenion's Dec 2014 Festival Calendar

Hellenion's Dec. 2014 Festival calendar,

Poseideon - Poseideon 2
Year 2 of the 698th Olympiad

6 full moon
10 Poseidea
13 Libation to Dionysos
19 Haloa
21 Heliogenna; Solstice; dark of the moon
22 Heliogenna; Hekate’s Deipnon
23 Noumenia
24 Agathos Daimon
31 New Year's Eve

Monday, November 10, 2014

Video slideshow Libation to Ares 2005

Here's a link to our video slideshow from our Libation to Ares in 2005