Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sharing this fromThe Ardantane Blog


As you may know, for the past three weeks we have been raising funds to pay the down payment on Spirit Hollow, land sacred to the Goddess Hekate.

The land comprises more than two acres of wild high desert adjacent to Ardantane's main campus.

Today, with only one week to go, we have raised $2271 of the $7428 we need. We'll need $5157 more to meet the goal.

Can you help? We'll send you a great gift related to Hekate. We have gorgeous artwork for your altar, an embroidered emblem of Her symbol, beautiful offering bowls, antique keys of various sizes (She is the Keybearer), modern coins with Her image, and ancient coins from Thrace where She was worshipped, and more. Please check it out.

The web page is located at the Indiegogo crowd funding site. Here's where to find it:

Thank you for your help, and we hope to welcome you one day to Her land in America.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hellenion's December 2013 Festival calendar

Hellenion's December 2013 Festival calendar,
Maimakterion - Poseideon
Year 1 of the 698th Olympiad

3 Hekate's Deipnon
4 Noumenia
5 Agathos Daimon
14 Libation to Dionysos
17 Full moon
20 Poseidea; Heliogenna; Solstice
21 Heliogenna
29 Haloa
31 New Year's Eve