Friday, March 27, 2015

Hellenion's April 2015 Festival calendar

Hellenion's April 2015 Festival calendar,

Elaphebolion - Mounykhion
Year 2 of the 698th Olympiad

1 Dionysia ta astika
2 Dionysia ta astika
3 Dionysia ta astika
4 Dionysia ta astika; Full Moon
5 Dionysia ta astika
6 Dionysia ta astika
7 Dionysia ta astika; Pandia
11 Libation to Artemis
18 Dark of the moon
19 Hekate’s Deipnon
20 Noumenia
21 Agathos Daimon
22 Earth Day
25 Delphinia

Friday, March 6, 2015

Join other polytheists who worship Greek deities?

Would you like to join other polytheists who worship the Greek / Hellenic deities? Hellenion is a non-profit religious organization dedicated to the revival and practice of Hellenic polytheism and we are accepting new member applications. We're based in the USA, but our members are from all over the world. We offer online resources, local congregations, study opportunities, and fellowship for those who worship the Olympians and the other deities of ancient Greece in a traditional way. You can find more information about us on our website There, you can click the "Join Us" tab for our application form!


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